The point is that images are very moving to visitors to your site and there are a variety of ways to incorporate them, so you might as well us them to your advantage.
There are lots of nice extras you can include in your website. And happily this is getting easier (therefore, cheaper!) to do.
Link your site to your Facebook page. Don’t have one? You can do it yourself, or have me set up and administer it. Don’t forget Twitter, Snap Chat, TikTok, and Instagram while you are at it.
Photo galleries – Consider adding a slideshow to your site. The one below is a “slider” It’s automated to change images without clicking. If you hover over it with your mouse, it will pause. There is a bigger fancier one on my home page.
There are also various ways to link to an externally hosted photo gallery, like Flickr, SmugMug, etc. Or WordPress plugins that will give you different ways to displays images in your site, galleries, slideshows, etc. Several websites in my portfolio have such photo galleries.